My Random Thoughts

A brief description of what runs through my brain, my journey to bring this third child into the world and whatever else may pop into my brain...

  • Click here for my new pregnancy blog...Baby #3 Makes A Complete Family
  • Sunday, September 11, 2005

    A long weekend

    It has been such a long weekend. Daniel had to work and the kids are wild. And it just so happens that I am pooped. I spent Friday night at the ER, nothing new. But I did find out that I have a lovely UTI. UGGGHHHH.......So now, on top of being on meds to keep frfom being sick, (that only work when they choose to) and being on prenatal vitamins that make me want to be sick, now I get antibiotics, too! Yay, me. The good thing was that my iron is still looking very good, which is a big shock, since usually by now I am severely anemic and on iron pills.

    Lets see if I can name all of my symptoms...
    - morning sickness
    - indigestion
    - bloated
    - cranky as hell
    - tired all the time
    - hairy belly, I know isn't it sick?
    - I've gone from a small B cup to a D cup ....W.O.W.
    - cranky as hell
    - insomnia
    - hungry all the time
    - thirsty all the time
    - headaches every evening
    - constipated....are you really still reading?
    - cranky as hell
    - emotional, crying at the drop of a hat

    This is not a complaint list...I want this baby more than anything. I am thrilled to death to be pregnant, but some days the symptoms get a bit overwhelming. I have found myself getting more excited to buy bedding for the little one. I have found several that I like, so once I find out the sex, if I can, then I think I know what I want. I just have to narrow it down to one.

    I'm really pissed at my computer right now, because every time I go to scan my ultrasound pics, it says my scanner is not hooked up...whatever. So hopefully, on Daniels day off this week, he can fix it for me. I realize it has been forever since I posted any pictures.

    I got an email from an old friend the other day. I had written her to tell her I was finally pregnant....she replied and said that she has me beat by 4 weeks, she is now 16 weeks pregnant!!! Congratulations, Christen!!

    Well, that is about it for me. I have to go see what Chandler is doing. Gracie got tired of hearing "Go check on Bubbie"....she eventually starts to ignore me.


    • At 2:00 AM, Blogger Infertile Protection Program said…

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    • At 2:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

      Sorry about the last comment being deleted. Double posts. I have changed my user name and Blog name.
      I just wanted to say I hope that your feeling like yourself soon. It must be so hard to stay involved with your family while going through so much morning sickness and pregnancy related problems. I hope you catch a break really soon.
      Take care and husg.

    • At 2:39 PM, Blogger Heather P. said…

      I sure do hope that you get to feeling better soon!!!! I really do feel for you!!

    • At 8:47 PM, Blogger Ally said…

      Man, that is quite a laundry poor thing. I sure hope it all passes soon.

      I can't wait for you to post some pics. Make sure ya get some of Gracie and Bubbie too :)


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