I feel so cheated...
As you may know, my sons parent teacher conference was yesterday. I knew I was pushing my luck simply because our allotted time was from 6:15 to 6:30. We got there at 12 minutes after 6, and waited...until 6:28. Then the teacher came out to get us from her last conference, and as we were walking into the classroom to start our meeting, the Principal came over the speaker and said, Parents, conferences are now over, if you could please leave the building. Fury flew over me so fast, I was determined to get in a word or two. His teacher said ont to worry, we could still have our meeting. During this time, the loud speaker came on with two more announcements, the Principal came into the room two times and the third time she came in, she said that Chandlers teachers ride was there to pick her up, everyone was out of the building, she wanted to leave and was witing on us so she could lock the building. I'm not going to even say what was going through my mind at this point. I will say this, I had to take both kids ot the conference with me, I didn't have a babysitter, and I knew I needed to go. But during the little time that I did have with this lady, she played with Chandler most of the time, telling me how he loves certain toys, etc. He is really into vibrating toys, simply for the stimulation. He has what is called sensory integration disorder, so he needs extra stimulation, from anything he can find. He loves paper, he crushes it up in his hands, and rubs his ears with it, etc. That just gives you an idea of what he likes. So then his teacher goes on to tell us how "inappropriate" toys like these are. He needs things that are made for older children...she recommended going to buy more mature fabric, like camoflouge (sp?) and taking the vibration part of the toy out and covering it with this "more appropriate" fabric. First and foremost, my son is 6 and still has a pacifier. He NEEDS stimulation. If he doesn't have this, he bites his hands until they bleed. So we deal with our 6 year old having a pacifier. And most people are willing to accept things when they see he is in a wheelchair. Not saying that we are okay with having the binky until he graduates, but until we find a replacement that he can handle, we DEAL. She proceeded to tell us about how many times he poops a day, which is no real news to us, he does it at home too! We have had several doctors run tests, he's seen a GI Specialist, he is fine. He just poops a lot. Now, THAT was the extent of our meeting. I drove a half hour to the school and home from the school...1 HOUR of driving to talk bullshit with this woman. Oh, and I should throw in here that she asked what kind of candles I burn at home...I said none now, that Gracie is two, it isn't safe for a while, but when I can I like apples and cinnamon. Oh well that just wont do. He needs vanilla smells, that is much more soothing. Apples and cinnamon stimulate way too much and could get him angry. You wanna know what makes me ANGRY???? My sons teacher!
I noticed that there is a lot of artwork in the classroom, and not much with Chandlers name on it, so she said that is because he is so busy with "other" things, like therapy, etc. He only gets therapy (PT, OT and ST) once a week. That couldn't possibly take up THAT much time. And this is against our doctors recommendations, she sent the school a script for physical therapy twice a week last year and he still isn't getting it. So where exacly is my child for art? I had a notebook page filled front and back of things I wanted to discuss, and I got one thing covered. She told us on our way out the door that we could always reschedule a conference anytime we wanted....well, that is nice, but she will still have to have her husband come and pick her up since she can't drive due to seizures. Not that she can help that, but I really don't feel she is an appropriate teacher knowing she has had several seizures in the middle of class, and anytime she could be holding my 50 pound son, and start to have one.
If you can't tell, I am still fuming over this. I am at a loss for words now. It just doesn't seem fair that we gave up our evening and drove that far, to be put off like that. I didn't even have the chance to give her the letter his doctor wrote to her ripping her a new tail hole due to her lack of teaching skills. I SO wanted to see her face when she read that. But it looks as though I will have to just mail it to her to try and get some things changed.
I just don't know where to go from here...it is all so messed up now.
***This is a great site on Sensory Integration Disorder***
At 1:18 PM,
Jenn said…
You definately should schedule another conference -this is your child and he deserves the best education possible - talk to Ally - Good luck to you. I hope you get this sorted out and get this teacher on the right track. What an asshole.
At 8:30 PM,
Ally said…
I'm so sorry your conference was a bust. I know how frustrating it can be. I would do as Jenn says and demand another conference. You owe this to Chandler and as you know, you're his biggest and only true voice.
Let me know what happens. Good Luck and have a good weekend.
At 4:23 AM,
Anonymous said…
What can be more annoying than Teachers that don't have the time for your concerns. I hope you get this sorted out soon.
In the mean time I hope your having a nice weekend.
At 2:13 PM,
Sporty said…
Sorry that the conference sucked and you were unable to get anything talked about. As the others have said, demand another conference. Stay on them until things change.
Hey...on a lighter note, I just saw your post on PW and wanted to say congrats on the little girl!
Take care.
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