My Random Thoughts

A brief description of what runs through my brain, my journey to bring this third child into the world and whatever else may pop into my brain...

  • Click here for my new pregnancy blog...Baby #3 Makes A Complete Family
  • Saturday, June 04, 2005

    I'm sorry, girls...

    I know I have been AWOL at PW lately. I have no good excuse. Other than the fact that I am feeling pretty down, and this has been a bad week. I have not felt good at all, and for no reason, it's not like I'm pregnant or anything. As a matter of fact, according to FF, I have not even ovulated yet...and I'm on CD 16. I have been at it with my Mom, well, not literally. I am just pissed at her, I have way too much going on to even start rambling on about. My son is having more trouble in school...they fed him a food for lunch on Thursday that he CANNOT eat, two doctors notes and a note from me evidently does not spell it out enough for the teachers. So I have been paying for that ever since Thursday. I am in such a rut that I can't seem to come out of, and it is really getting old.

    I know we all have these weeks, and this sadly, is my week. I know I have let a lot of you down. I'm sorry. I am so, so , so happy for Chasity and Heather. Chasity, I hope you have a wonderful, uneventful 9 months, and Heather I hope you are carrying as many babies as you want, if it's just one, then let it be one, if you want 3 then here's to carrying 3 healthy babies to term.

    I am almost to the point where I say I am ready to take a break from TTC. We have been hard at it for so long now, and I am tired. Just flat out tired. I called my insurance company the other day and they said I do have maternity coverage, as if I would ever get pregnant, but they do not cover any fertility treatment. As if I could ever afford that on my own. So with that said, I guess I can either pray that it happens, or I can just give up. And right now, I am in no position to make that decision. I remember a few weeks ago, someone on PW said they were feeling depressed, and I preached to them that she needed to be in the right frame of mind for when she does get pregnant....who am I to preach it if I am not in the frame of mind to bring a child into the world?? I know that when I see that pregnancy test, I will fall to peices, and be so overjoyed, but for now, while we are trying, I need to get my head right. It isn't fair to my husband or to my kids.

    I hope this makes SOME sense, if not I apologize. I just wanted to let you know that I am okay, just in a rut. A funk....a nasty funk. But I am lurking on PW, just not doing a lot of posting.

    Thanks for caring, it means so much to me.


    • At 11:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

      Your entitle to feel down when it gets all too much. I hope that your feeling better about it all soon. Hugs and I hope that you did "o" and you get a bfp suprise.
      Love Lesley

    • At 6:50 AM, Blogger Heather P. said…

      Sorry Heather you feel the way you feel (in a rut or funk) but sometimes when things are at the worst we find something in ourselves to move on and to the next level.
      With you insurance did you ask if they pay for infertility testing. That is where most of the money is spent. Also you need to ask if they pay for fertility drugs. We had a separate prescription card from our insurance and they paid for the drugs where our insurance would not have.
      Good Luck I hope that the BFP is just 2 weeks away!

    • At 7:30 AM, Blogger Ally said…


      I am so sorry you are feeling blue. I don't have any words of wisdom as I have been in a total funk for weeks as well but I can tell you this..if you ever want to talk, vent, scream and compare notes with another nutso funked out
      special ed mom...I'm your lady! Pm me Heather or email me

      Chin up :)

    • At 7:03 PM, Blogger Jenn said…

      I am sorry that you are feeling so down lately - TTC can take alot out of you.

      I hope that you start to feel better soon - whatever you decide regarding TTC.

      Good luck to you.

    • At 3:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

      hey, hoping your spirits are a bit higher today.
      hugs and take care.


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