My Random Thoughts

A brief description of what runs through my brain, my journey to bring this third child into the world and whatever else may pop into my brain...

  • Click here for my new pregnancy blog...Baby #3 Makes A Complete Family
  • Wednesday, May 04, 2005

    I need a dose of reality...

    I have had a pretty busy week and I have felt like I am getting emotionally "strained". As many of you that are reading this may know, the TTC road is a long, winding, draining, exhausting, and sad road. Just as you think you have hit the bottom, it can always get worse. So, I was going through some old files in my computer and ran across this. Like I said, it seems as if I have hit the bottom, when suddenly I am watching this and tears are pouring. And it suddenly occurs to me that I really don't have it all that bad. Yes, I have hit a rocky patch, yes, I can over come it. If not, I will get over it. But I just thought that if you ever had a bad day, when you feel like your world is crashing, go here and know that it could be worse.

    Now, with that said, if you have no heart, don't look. I am a Bush supporter, a Rebublican through and through. No I am not a political person, but I stand behind what I believe. So all of you who don't support the war or what our men are doing, don't look. And if you do look and get offended, for who knows what reason, don't complain to me....I warned you not to go there. But as for me and my family, we support our men, we support the casue, we support the troops and their families that are helping this country in need.

    And by the way, have you sound turned on, it's absolutely beautiful. And pray for our troops. They are still over there, fighting for innocent people. Risking their lives for a good cause.

    ***Note*** I am aware that for some reason, the link is not going anywhere and I'm trying to fix it. Sorry about the problem.


    • At 3:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

      Ok, I am not American but I respect all who are working towards restoring peace and harmony in the world. They are doing a fantastic job. I clicked on the link but it went nowhere.
      So I didn't read the story.
      Have a good day and take care.


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