My Random Thoughts

A brief description of what runs through my brain, my journey to bring this third child into the world and whatever else may pop into my brain...

  • Click here for my new pregnancy blog...Baby #3 Makes A Complete Family
  • Thursday, January 27, 2005

    I think I missed the ovulation train...

    As you all know, aunt flo showed up late last month. I really thought I was going to be pregnant. But after testing with a "clear blue easy read" that isn't so easy to figure out, I got a negative, then the evil witch showed up. So, on to next month. Well, we decided to baby dance every other day until I was sure I had ovulated or I got a positive, or aunt flo. One way or the other we would baby dance till we dropped. Well, the last few days have been exhausting since my two year old has decided to protest against all naps. And to top it off, I can't fall asleep till around 2 each night. Aggghhh!!! Well, to make a long story short, we baby danced the last time on the 25th (which was a full moon, I remember). But then yesterday, I feel like I ovulated. So my question is, what are my chances of being pregnant? I say slim to none, but who knows if I am even ovulating, ya know? It's this big fat guessing game and frankly I am sick of it. So we'll wait and see how things turn out. The two week fun.

    The school finally opened today, two hours late. Chandler was so happy to see the bus this morning. And his teacher said he had a very good day, and only came home with one goose-egg on his head. (That is kind of normal for Chandler) And now that all the ice is gone, they are calling for more to arrive on Sunday. Nice....

    My groom shop is doing good. It is pretty slow starting, but I am getting some calls for appointments on occasion, and at the very least it is paying for itself. And I am happy as can be to have something to do. I am keeping my eyes open for any standard poodle breeders in the area, which I know there are none. But I can drive to get one. I am just being picky who the breeder is and the price of the dog. I am getting rid of my beagles. Sad, I know. I bought them to breed them. They served their purpose, and now they have to go. I had to bring Holly in the house, and she is a spiteful little peeing thing. Even if I go to get Chandler off the bus and leave her in the house, she pee's. And since she is a hound, she has to be on a leash all the time, or all the neighbors get a visit form her. They hate that. So, I am giving them both to a guy who hunts with them. He actually has several of the puppies that Holly had. He is an older man that loves dogs and can handle a bunch of them. More power to ya! I can't seem to keep them in my yard, and I can't have them wandering around with the neighbors I have. My Grandad thinks every animal should be tied to a tree. Yeah, well he's 94. He's entitled to think what he wants.

    Gracie and I went to visit Daniel and have lunch with him at work today. She loves planes. I have to say, I love them too. I just hate to fly. I will do it if I have to, but it is not something I would do just to pass the time. But thank goodness there are people who do it to pass time, they are what puts food on our table. Keep flying, people!! But it was a nice day.

    Nothing new or interesting going on around here. Just an ordinary run of the mill day.


    • At 2:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

      Hi Heather,
      not sure if you missed the boat or not, who could tell...It is so frustrating at times, I wish I could give a positive answer. I will be thinking of you.
      My computer's battery died, actually it cracked..I have never heard of that before..Too much stress from me So it took a few days to get the IBM man to get it fixed but it is better now, thanks for thinking of me, I was worried everyone would worry...
      Glad it's getting a bit warmer for you and Chandler can go back to school. Sounds like you keep busy, that's good! I sometimes feel I can go a bit mad staying at home but that's life I guess.
      Hope to see you on PW when it decideds to return to normal, seems to be a bit back logged or soemthing, I have had trouble posting today so did not get to answer half the posts I would have liked to.
      Have a lovely Day.


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