My Random Thoughts

A brief description of what runs through my brain, my journey to bring this third child into the world and whatever else may pop into my brain...

  • Click here for my new pregnancy blog...Baby #3 Makes A Complete Family
  • Sunday, January 23, 2005

    Shiny, Icy and ssslick...

    For all of you who watch the weather, or even the national news; It is icy here in Virginia. All week they called for a winter storm, with two days of snow, a "little" ice thrown in about half way, then back to snow. Well, for those of you who know not to believe these weather people, we got about 4 hours of ice, and that was it. It is beautiful, especially when the sun hits it. It looks crystal-like. You wonder why everything can't be so pretty all the time.

    I finally mustered up the nerve to take the dog out around lunch time. Poor thing had been crossing her legs all morning. But she waited patiently on me. So I got suited up, (the wind is feirce) got her leash and out we went. The yard was not so bad, until I wanted to cross the driveway to take her to the field(so I don't have a yard full of poopie). Then I realized that this beautiful shiny cover over the ground is not so beautiful. I came close enough to busting my tail as I have ever been. Thank God everyone has their doors and windows closed up tight so no one saw me. My dog weighs only about 15 pounds, so she just tiptoed along, with no problem. But me being a bumbling idiot, well, I didn't grip so well. But we finally made it back inside. Luckily, they have closed the schools for tomorrow. I can see me now trying to roll the wheelchair down the ramp tomorrow. Chandler and I would be up under the bus before we knew it.

    It has been pretty quite the last few days. Daniel has been off work, and we have stayed around the house mostly. I'm on cycle day 12 now so we are baby dancing every other day until I ovulate, which is supposed to be Tuesday, but since I went over last month, we'll have to see when I ovulate. Daniel is enjoying it, but it is a chore for me. I have been trying ot catch up on my scrapbooking, also. I am so far behind. And now I am starting a "family" scrapbook, instead of one for each child. I will continue with theirs, but I want one of our family experiences, etc. I have so much I could put into it, that it may turn out to be several books. Isn't it amazing how many experiences you can go through in such a short time? I mean, Daniel and I have been married for 9 years, and I feel like we have been through enough for 25 years. But I love that it has made us who we are today. And to top off my cold weather projects, I am working on the geneology for my maiden name and my married name. I have had a lot of luck with my maiden name. I already had a lot of information on that, to start off with. My married name is another story. I have not found anything at all on that. I wanted to have the family crests for both names made for the cover of our family scrapbook, but I may not be so lucky. So if anyone knows of some good sites to go to, let me know....

    I am sending a special prayer, lots of luck, special wishes, big hugs, smiles, oh and wishes for contractions to come on for my very dear friend in Wyoming. I know how you are feeling, knowing that the baby must come soon, and unfortunately s/he has their own schedule of events. I wish for God to smile down on you and grant you the patience to wait and the tolerance for dealing with things that we can't make happen. I love you and thank you for many of your own special wishes for me.


    • At 12:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

      The Ice sounds so pretty, but slippery as anything hey!
      Glad you did not hurt yourself. I used to scrap book myself, very rewarding and enjoyable, just have not had the time lately. It is amazing what goes on in our lives, so many experiences to be had. Hopefully more good than bad. Hope you have a relaxed day tomorrow, I can't suggest any sites only google search page is a good start for finding the crest picture on a website.
      Good Luck and happy bd :-)


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