My Random Thoughts

A brief description of what runs through my brain, my journey to bring this third child into the world and whatever else may pop into my brain...

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  • Sunday, January 16, 2005

    The Dreaded Day

    I have been putting off taking down my Christmas tree forever. This is the first year that it has taken me so long, but I just have not felt like it. So this morning, when me and Daniel woke up, we knew it had to be done. And we promised each other that this would be the last year for this tree. Next year we will be off to buy a "pre lit" tree. A long needed, well deserved pre lit tree. My family came for a going away party for my brother the other night and all my sister could talk about was the fact that my tree was still up. I ever so politely kept my mouth shut. She is one who can find any minor fault in anyone and gnaw on it until is bleeds. That's just the way it is.

    Daniel has to work again today, so it's another long, lonely day. The good thing is both kids will take their naps most of the time that he works. My kids take long naps. Grace being two, I guess it is normal for her to take a long nap. But with Chandler and his CP, he just works so hard at getting around, and accomplishing daily tasks, he is wiped out by nap time. And on the weekends, he is always extra tired from working so hard during the school week.

    I am going to paint my bedroom this week. I painted the family room last weekend, and it tunred out so nice. I am just thrilled with it. I painted it in a textured paint, so it is rough, and it has glitter in it. It is called "granite" for those who are interested. It just kind of brings the outdoors in, since we love the outdoors so much. I am painting the bedroom in a tan color. Just something other than white. White was great when we bought the house, it was so clean and fresh, but now it is just getting old. A little color brings such warmth and such life into a room. I painted the kids rooms a long time ago, and was exhausted form doing that. I did my daughters room in pale yellow and periwinkle stripes. That took forever. My sons is navy blue with bright orange trim. He needed a more cozy look, since he gets over stimulated so easily.

    Last night, my parents came down and we watched the second Lord of The Rings movie. I know I am a litle late in seeing it, but I am just happy to finally see it. It was an excellent movie. Tonight we are going to watch the third and final movie. And since it is rare that we get to spend time with my Dad, we are happy to get two nights with him in a row! We always eat way too much junk food when we watch movies. That comes from my side of the family. My husband is not a major junk food eater, but for some reason every evening, growing up, when we watched TV, we always had snacks. So last night, we had two bags of Doritos, Cheese Puffs for the kids, apples and caramel dip, and a hot cup of coffee. Mmmmm......


    • At 1:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

      I'm glad that I'm not the only one that has feelings like that! I dont think I would have the courage to put them in type.....maybe thats something I should work on!


    • At 6:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

      I like how you were so frustrated on how long it took to get your tree up and decorated this year, and then how frustrated you were that it took so long to take down again. Isn't that how everyone feels? Honestly, I have had Christmas stuff up into February many years... by then I figure it really is time to get on the ball, who wants to decorate hearts on top of holly? :)



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