My Random Thoughts

A brief description of what runs through my brain, my journey to bring this third child into the world and whatever else may pop into my brain...

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  • Monday, January 17, 2005

    All in all a good day!

    So this is another day that I blog twice. I don't know if that is a treat for those of you who read or a bore. But we'll see. I have stuff on the brain and I have to get it out. My daughter is going through the house confiscating all the candles that I own, and hiding them in her room. She is two, but sometimes I swear she is sixteen. And my son is playing with a paper bag. How fun could that be? He has a sensory integration disorder and he likes feeling and listening to things. Give him a piece of paper and he is set...for a while, until he tries to eat it. So Gracie is in training to be an eagle. She watches over him very closely to make sure nothing goes into his mouth that shouldn't. And of course it is evening, so Daniel is doing homework. Thank God he graduates this spring. Probably just so he can take more classes.

    I got an email from my friend in Wyoming tonight of a song being played in the background, with a slideshow of our troops in Iraq. It really made me cry. I think too many people have forgotten that our guys are still there. It was a nice reminder to put them back up top of the prayer list.

    I am on my last day of aunt flo. Woo Hoo!! Now to only try and figure out when I ovulate. I honestly thought about going to see a doctor about my fertility issues. That is if insurance will cover it. If not, then I am screwed. It would just be nice to know if I am ovulating. Now that my cycle is messed up, I have no idea what is what. And that sucks. At first, I thought I had a handle on this TTC crap, now I have no clue. I heard people on Pregnancy Weekly discussing cycles that varied, and I kept thinking to myself, how weird is that??? I now know.

    Daniel is off this Thursday and Friday, so I have recruited him to stay home with the kids and let me have a day to go shopping. I live an hour from any store, so it takes a day to hit all the stores I want.

    I live in the country. Farmville, of all places. I knew I would live here, though. Since I was a kid. My grandparents live here, I spent weeks down here in the summer, playing on the farm, stirring up all kinds of trouble. The one thing that sticks out in my mind is trying to give my Grandma's ducks a bath in her tub, and finally figuring out that when you squeeze a duck, they poop. And they really aren't picky where they poop. Now that I am grown, I realize that the farm is not all fun. It is hard work. And a new thing I have learned now that I am grown, is that when cows choose to knock down the fence and run away, they don't choose sunny, warm days when you are sitting around the house. It is either cold and rainy, or you are late for an appointment. They like it that way. Then they can see the fury in your eyes when you come running at them with a pitch fork. Oh, the joys of farm life.


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