My Random Thoughts

A brief description of what runs through my brain, my journey to bring this third child into the world and whatever else may pop into my brain...

  • Click here for my new pregnancy blog...Baby #3 Makes A Complete Family
  • Tuesday, January 03, 2006

    81 Days left!!!!

    **Here is me at 28 weeks**
    I am getting so excited, I only have 81 days left in this pregnancy. I know for some, that may seem like a long time away, but I have plenty to do in 81 days. My #1 project for the last week has been going through Gracie's room, pulling out all the old clothes, washing them, sorting them by size and filling up the dresser with baby clothes. That in itself is nearly killing me. I had no idea how much "stuff" that girl had until I started pulling it all out. So needless to say, we are set on clothes, we just need some other things, like a swing and bouncy seat, and I do like new onesies, instead of using them from child to child. They get stained so easily, and I like fresh white ones on babies. We are using my brother and sister in law's car seat and stroller, so now I don't have to go buy one of those, thank God. I really wanted one at Babies R Us, but it was ovr $200, and that is a ton of money to spend on something that isn't used very often. Especially when I can just use theirs.

    Chandler went back to school today so he seemed happy to be getting dressed this morning, although it was not easy getting up at 6 am. I got lazy over Christmas break and was sleeping till almost 8:30. I can't take naps anymore during the day because if I do, then I don't sleep at night. I know I shouldn't run myself down during the day, but that is the only way to sleep at night is to be dog tired and practically pass out once i hit the bed. Between the insomnia and the indigestion and the activity of the baby, I get very little sleep. there is not one time during the night that I can wake up to pee and she is bouncing around. And believe me, I get up a lot to pee. Other than the lack of sleep, I feel good. I feel stretched, that is for sure. Almost as if I don't think I could stretch any further but I know I will. And by evening time, my legs and ankles and feet are huge, but that is kind of normal for me. So my evening routine is to go take a warm bubble bath and relax, and get the weight off my feet for a while. And it helps to take the weight off my tummy for a while, too. I wish I could go swimming, that feels so good when you are pregnant, but it's winter so I think I'll pass.

    I am glad to see that everyone is doing well. Good to see Lesley back online and that Ally is feeling more optimistic. I still think about you girls all the time. I pray your time will come to have babies in your arms. And I am glad to see Jenn and Chas and Heather are all doing well in their pregnancies. Jen, I can't believe how good you look! And twins at that!!! I am so thankful everyone is well.


    • At 12:26 PM, Blogger Sporty said…

      You look great Heather! 28 weeks...I can't believe that you are that far along, but then again, I can't believe I will be 36 weeks next week.

      Glad to see that you are doing so good. Hope that you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year.

      Take care.

    • At 8:33 PM, Blogger Heather P. said…

      I am so happy for you! Congrats on the weeks! I am now counting days too!!!! It is wonderful to see all of us so close to giving birth! Seems like just yesterday that Chas and I announced our positives! Now we are almost 36 weeks! (friday for me) How exciting!
      Happy new year!

    • At 4:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

      Wow... 81 days left, that is not long at all. I don't think you would go overdue either. You might end up having bubby 2 weeks earlier than they have said.
      Insomnia sux! Thanks for the welcome back..
      Take care..
      Luv Lesley

    • At 10:11 AM, Blogger Jenn said…

      You look fantastic!!!! Thank you for saying that I look good - I tell you - it never gets old!! LOL

      Insomnia is terrible!!! I was up for over 2 hours last night - now I am exhausted today!!!

      I am sorry that you are swollen - I am not retaining too much water this time around - thank goodness.

      I agree with the new onesies thing - dingy onesies look gross on a new baby!

      Keep up the great work!!!!!!


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