My Random Thoughts

A brief description of what runs through my brain, my journey to bring this third child into the world and whatever else may pop into my brain...

  • Click here for my new pregnancy blog...Baby #3 Makes A Complete Family
  • Saturday, November 19, 2005

    It has been a while since I wrote anything at all...I really haven't had much time. Thanksgiving is coming up, and then the Saturday after that is Gracie's 3rd Birthday party, and I am trying to get things lined up for that. So far, I have no cake, no pizzas ordered and no gift, and I good or what?? Her party is Tinkerbell, and she wanted cake and pizza, so that's what it is going to be. Besides after all that turkey, we'll want something different. She seems pretty excited about it, I just hope people show up, so far, only a handful of people have RSVP'd...I wish people would get a clue that sometimes it is nice of them to RSVP. It helps to know what to plan for. Obviously not everyone agrees with me. My family is not the best at responding to anything, unless you are giving out money.

    Chandler got ihs school physical yesterday, which was a joke. All that time and effort just to pretty much weight him and measure him, and ask how he had been...duh. He see's anough doctors in his life to not need a physical. That's just my opinion, though.

    I've been doing good. Still sick on occasion, but I'm happy for the most part. I've come to the conclusion that this may stick with me for the whole pregnancy this time, and I am okay with it. Nothing I can do about it other than deal with it. I feel like I do nothing but eat all the time, I stay hungry all the time. And the witgh is packing on, but like I have said all along, this is the last pregnancy so I am taking advantage of gaining the weight, and look forward to having a baby in March and then working the weight off. I'm jujst glad that I am pregnant during two of the biggest holidays I can eat all I want and then some and no one can say a damn thing to me about it!! We finally picked out the bedding for the crib, it's at baby depot, so I am anxious to go and pick that up. I have also bought a few things for the baby, a sleeper, and Daniel picked out some hats (we are both big into hats on babies) and I got the most beautiful diaper bag! We have picked out the swing and car seat but have not bought it yet...don't ask me what we are waiting on. We may just wait until after Christmas to buy the stuff so it doesn't take up too much space during the holidays. And I can't really put the crib togethre for a while, for fear that Gracie will want to revert back to her baby days and want to sleep in the crib. She hasn't been in her big girl bed long enough to chance that! We still have to find a car seat and possibly stroller, but I am in no hurry to spend all that money.

    Well, I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving planned. I love this holiday, but for some reason, it seems to be the forgotten holiday anymore. Everyone is so tied up in Halloween then Christmas, we almost forget that this is celebrating the founding of our important is that?? To me it is the greatest.

    Have a wonderful holiday!


    • At 1:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

      Happy Thanksgiving... I hope you have a lovely party for Gracie..
      I'm glad to hear your well.
      Take care and have a nice day.

    • At 6:53 AM, Blogger Heather P. said…

      I hope that you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and party!! I have seen so many houses in our area with x-mas lights on I am in total shock. It seems like it starts earlier and earlier each and every year!!!


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