In a funk...
I'm sitting here typing this knowing full well that I should be preparing dinner, or finishing the laundry, or doing anything more productive, but it's not like the work won't be here when I am done. And thanks to the rain, the satellite is now out, so I can't even watch Jeff Corwin. So go ahead and laugh, I think he's cute. And not to mention that we share a special love for animals. He just happens to like the creepy ones. He reminds me of a friend that I had in high school, his looks, they are just identical! Weird.
Anyway, Easter was...weird. We went to my Moms, and there was SO much tension. I didn't have much to say, nor did she. She did however pick up on the tension between she and my husband and went to him crying and hugged him to get things straight, but never a word to me. And it was quite obvious that the rest of the family picked up on the problem between us. Oh well. I'm tired of pretending that I have no feelings and that anyone can do anything to me and it just rolls right off. I wish I were that tough, but I am not. So, with that said, Easter was way weird.
I kind of wish that I was in a better mood today. It's not fair that this is Chandlers first day of spring break and I'm in this funk. From the way it looks on PW, I'm not the only one that feels bitchy. But as much as I hate to say, I feel like we are entitled to feel bitchy on occasion. I love Ally's blog today. It so suited my mood. It's as if we are just put take care of people. Yes, I love my family, but whatever happened to people taking some responsibility and helping out? I get tired of cooking, and cleaning and doing laundry. I know Daniel gets tired of working every day, but he has 8 hours, then he puts his feet up. I go from when I get out of bed in the morning till when I go to bed at night. I'm not saying I don't take breaks, because I do, but keeping a house going and a husband and two kids going is not easy. You may as well say I have three kids. They are all very dependant on me. I have always said I like to take care of people, I like to be a nurturer. But I like to take care of people who TRY to take care of themselves. Oh well, I could ramble about this for the next week.
I had to rearrange the furniture in Chandlers room this evening. Now since he can walk around on his knees everywhere, he is getting so tall and he is very top-heavy. And he loves windows. He loves to go and bang on them, lean on them, bang his head on them, you name it. So, in fear that one of these days he will be strong enough to break the glass, we had to move his furniture around so that the window is not accesible anymore. I love the light that it lets in, but his safety is number 1. We hung some stuff from the ceiling to help get his mind off of the change so much. He gets really stressed out with change. Hopefully, he will wake up in the morning and like the change. Or else it could be a long day...
I hope everyone's week is good, and hopefully I will be able to post a more cheery message tomorrow. Who knows, maybe this is "my month" to get pregnant and I will have that first baby of the year...right-o. I can picture it now, first baby of the year's picture in the "Farmville Herald" the newspaper that is only published twice a week in this podunk town. Nice. Hey, I guess I should be greatful that we have a paper.
As my good friend Tigger would say....TTFN!
At 5:29 AM,
Anonymous said…
Oh, Why does she always arrive. I am so sorry. I know how it feels, atleast we are about the same in our cycle so can have a cry together, wouldnt it be lovely if we could have January 1st babies together.. Ahh, dreams. I can't believe I can still be optimistic, even if for a moment... Hope you can too. have a good night and stuff the housework, as you said it will still be there tomorrow. Hugs from Lesley
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